
Saturday, February 14, 2015

Vanilla Ice Cream- Homemade/Eggless/Without Ice-cream Maker

Ice Cream- the word makes so many restless! I m of that kind.. I like all flavors, all types, even if the ice cream melts and becomes a goop I on it.   Anything with ice cream in it, I can simply swallow. My cousins used to make fun of me saying that even if the word ‘ice cream’ is scribbled on a paper and given I would gulp it.
Well I wouldn’t blame them because thatz how crazy I would go for the ice cream. Now having boasted about my love for ice creams, I needn’t say that I have tried my fair share of homemade ice creams and this is the basic recipe for the simplest but the best of all flavors the vanilla ice cream. I don’t have an ice cream maker so the recipe calls for simple whisking. I have used hand mixer. But the simple balloon whisk and little elbow grease will do the job efficiently! So here it is!

Fresh Cream/Heavy Cream-1/2 litre
Sugar-3/4 cup
Vanilla Extract-2 tsp
How It Happened:
1. Take cream in a mixing bowl; whisk it well for 5-7 minutes until it froths well.
2. Add vanilla extract and sugar and keep whisking until the sugar is completely dissolved and is slightly thickened.

3. Now pour the mixture into a freezer safe box and freeze it. You can freeze in a blast-chiller as well.
4. Once when it is frozen, say after 2-3 hours, once again whisk well (if using hand mixer use full speed) and again freeze them, repeat the process twice and them freeze for minimum of 5 hours or overnight.
5. Serve with salted caramel sauce or chocolate sauce and chopped nuts.

* I used Amul fresh cream but you can use whipping cream as well.
* The whisking after freezing is done to break any ice crystals formed. You can use mixie/blender to beat them.
* Use good quality vanilla extract. You can use vanilla pods too.
* You can use any topping or have it plain

* For home made salted caramel sauce recipe refer here.

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