
Friday, February 27, 2015

Banana Peanut Butter Ice Cream/Without Ice cream Maker

Bananas are rich in nutrients and peanut butter is healthy too if you have in limited quantity. So here is the super easy frozen treat thatz rich and healthy. Almost all household had to deal with the problem of bananas (going bananas!!!).
Big bananas brought in dozens are a visual treat when they garner the fruit basket and are consumed fast in the first few days but as the times goes those black dots slowly appear and the frowning starts when they become overly ripe their texture and smell changes (which is mostly undesirable). Funnily though, the ripe bananas with those black dots on the skin are proven to be more nutritious than the young bright yellow skinned bananas. But we normally try to finish the bananas before they could ripe or it’s almost destined for them to end up in the garbage as no one is willing to eat them. Personally I can’t stand the sight of food being wasted so I always have them for breakfast as milkshakes. Sometime back I saw this idea in pinterest which hooked on to my memory and here I am with my own version.

Fresh cream/Heavy cream-1 cup
Peanut Butter-1/4 cup
Bananas-2, peeled and roughly chopped
Sugar-3 tbsp
Vanilla extract-1/2 tsp
Chopped roasted peanuts- to garnish
How It Happened:
1. In a blender/mixer, add the cream and whip it for a minute.
2. Add chopped bananas, sugar, vanilla extract and peanut butter and blend it until the bananas are completely mashed and mixed with other ingredients.

3. Pour this into a freezer safe box and freeze it for 3 hours then blend it once again. Again freeze it overnight.
4. While serving, transfer 2 scoops of the ice cream in a serving bowl, top it with chopped roasted peanuts and drizzle some chocolate sauce.
* Peanut butter adds a nice nutty flavor to the dessert. If you want a little bit of crunch add coarsely crushed roasted salted peanuts just before pouring them into the freezer safe container.
* Bananas can easily change color which is not a pretty site. So get all ingredients ready in the blender jar then peel and roughly chop in the bananas as soon as possible and whip it. The lesser their exposure to air the lesser the color change.
* Instead of blender, a hand mixer can also be used. Ice cream maker can also be used. Mix all the ingredients and follow the instructions of your machine.

* The whipping is done at intervals after freezing so as to break any ice crystals formed and to create a silky smooth fluffiness. Incase if you don’t want to keep whipping, then use alcohol. Alcohol prevents the formation of ice crystals. So you can add a shot of vodka/rum if you have on hand and also if you are going to serve only adults.

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